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Radio Day or/and World Radio Day – Today in bULTIMA
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Radio Day or/and World Radio Day

Radio Day

Radio Day -May 7th!

Radio Day (Russian: День радио Den’ Radio), Communications Workers’ Day (as it is officially known in Russia) or Radio and Television Day (Ден на радиото и телевизията, as it is known in Bulgaria) is a commemoration of the development of radio in Russia. It takes place on 7 May, the day in 1895 on which Alexander Popov successfully demonstrated his invention.

1895 demonstration and commemoration

In 1895, Popov gave the first public demonstration of radio as a tool before the Russian Physical and Chemical Society in St. Petersburg, using Sir Oliver Lodge’s coherer as a lightning detector.

Popov has been put forward in the old Soviet Union and Eastern Europe as an „inventor of radio“ (although historians note it may be more due to Cold War era politics than historical evidence).[1] In contrast the Western world recognizes Guglielmo Marconi as the first to develop a viable system based on radio (Herzian) waves.[2]

Radio Day was first observed in the Soviet Union in 1945, on the 50th anniversary of Popov’s experiment, and some four decades after his death. Radio Day is officially marked in Russia and Bulgaria.

World Radio Day – Feb 13th!

Recommends to the UNESCO General Conference that it proclaim a World Radio Day and that this Day be celebrated on 13 February, the day the United Nations established the concept of United Nations Radio;

Invites all Member States, organizations of the United Nations system and other international and regional organizations, professional associations and broadcasting unions, as well as civil society, including non-governmental organizations and individuals, to duly celebrate the World Radio Day, in the way that each considers most adequate;

Requests the Director-General, subject to the final resolution of the General Conference, to bring this resolution to the attention of the Secretary-General of the United Nations so that World Radio Day may be endorsed by the General Assembly


Какво е радиото за мен?

Както вече описах моите първи стъпки в областта на ICT в сайта Cloud4Kids, книгата „Радиото ли? Че то е много просто…“ даде онази насока на професионалния ми живот, която все още следвам.

А самата дата – 7 Май, има и друго, интимно отношение към мен и моето семейство:

– Жаната, която ми беше като майка – моята баба Атина (по майчина линия) е родена на тази дата!

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