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Johann Sebastian Bach – Today in bULTIMA
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Johann Sebastian Bach

Johann Sebastian Bach

Йохан Себастиан Бах е немски композитор и клавирен майстор, признат за един от най-великите гении в световната музикална история. Представител е на немската музикална школа и музикалното изкуство в периода и стила барок.

Роден: 21 (31?) март 1685 г., Айзенах, Германия | Починал: 28 юли 1750 г., Лайпциг, Германия

Johann Sebastian Bach, (born March 21, 1685, Eisenach, Thuringia, Ernestine Saxon Duchies [Germany]—died July 28, 1750, Leipzig), composer of the Baroque era, the most celebrated member of a large family of north German musicians. Although he was admired by his contemporaries primarily as an outstanding harpsichordist, organist, and expert on organ building,

Bach is now generally regarded as one of the greatest composers of all time

and is celebrated as the creator of the Brandenburg Concertos, The Well-Tempered Clavier, the Mass in B Minor, and numerous other masterpieces of church and instrumental music. Appearing at a propitious moment in the history of music, Bach was able to survey and bring together the principal styles, forms, and national traditions that had developed during preceding generations and, by virtue of his synthesis, enrich them all.

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