Да Бъдем НЕЗАВИСИМИ! Но как????????????????
Днес по света
Он-лайн новини, проверени поне от три източника. Ние не генерираме фалшиви новини!
Има и такива българи!
Япония отличи още един българин с държавната награда орден "Изгряващо слънце - Златни лъчи с розетка". Тя е за един от нашите световно известни археолози - проф. Диана Гергова, може би по-известна в Япония, отколкото в България, твърдят познавачи. Орденът беше връчен от Негово Превъзходителство посланикът на Япония у нас
Apollo 11 50th Anniversary
The International Year of the Periodic Table
The Periodic Table of Chemical Elements is one of the most significant achievements in science, capturing the essence not only of chemistry, but also of physics, medicine, earth sciences and biology. 1869 is considered as the year of discovery of the Periodic System, and Dmitri Mendeleev was a major discoverer. 2019 will be the 150th anniversary of
D-Day and the Battle of Normandy
Ден на Европа
Apostolic Journey to Bulgaria
Mr President, Mr Prime Minister, Honourable Members of the Diplomatic Corps, Distinguished Authorities, Representatives of the various Religious Confessions, Dear Brothers and Sisters, Christos vozkrese! I am happy to be here in Bulgaria, a place of encounter between many cultures and civilizations, a bridge between Eastern and Southern Europe, an open door to the Near East, and
Един Христос – два празника
Imagine No John Lennon
On 8 December 1980, John Lennon was shot five times by 25-year-old Mark David Chapman outside The Dakota, the apartment building in New York City where John and Yoko Ono lived. Chapman had been stalking Lennon for days outside the building and asked for an autograph as Lennon walked through the courtyard. Returning from