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In Memorial – Today in bULTIMA
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Kobe Bryant 1978-2020


Kobe Bryant, one of basketball’s greatest players and most masterful scorers of all time, was among the passengers who died Sunday in a helicopter crash in Calabasas, California.  Bryant was 41. “Kobe Bryant was a giant who inspired, amazed, and thrilled people everywhere with his incomparable skill on the court — and awed us with his

RIP – 51 години…

51 години от смътта на дядо ми, човекът, чието име нося и който всеки ден е с мен! Той, заедно със своята съпруга Атина бяха истинските мои родители! Баба ми Атина почина на 15 юли 2001 г. АТИНА И СТЕФАН САПУНДЖИЕВИ... ПОЧИВАЙТЕ В МИР...

John McCain – Three Times Hero

McCain -Last with his wife...

The two men who thwarted Mr. McCain’s ambitions to become commander in chief, stood one after the other before the nation’s elite at Washington National Cathedral on Saturday to honor the man they beat, extolling him as a one-of-a-kind figure the likes of which will not be seen again anytime

Поклон пред Твореца Светлин Русев

Светлин Русев

Сбогом, Маестро! Отиде си от този свят един неповторим творец - отиде във вечността, но остави огромно творческо наследство... Един от любимите ми изрази е, че всечи чоек е като луната - има светла и тъмна страна. За да докаже това, Академик Русев прокарваше една тънка контрастна линия, лъкатушеща и разполовяваща образа,

Има и такива българи…

Боян Петров

Боян Петров остави следи не само по върховете, които малцина покоряват, но и в нашите сърца! Нека да има повече такива българи!   Боян Петров е български зоолог, еколог, спелеолог и алпинист, работещ в Националния природонаучен музей при БАН в София. Той е българският височинен алпинист с най-много изкачени върхове над 8000 метра,

In Memorial: Larry Harvey, 1948–2018

Burning Man

Burning Man founder Larry Harvey died on April 28, 2018 at 8:24am PST after suffering a stroke in his San Francisco home on April 4. He is survived by his son Tristan, his brother Stewart, his nephew Bryan, and a global community of devoted Burning Man participants inspired by his vision

„You try to support and try to be there,“ Ginobili said.

Popovich Alone

Erin Popovich, the wife of Spurs Coach Gregg Popovich, died... The NBA world was stunned Wednesday by the news that Erin Popovich, the wife of Spurs Coach Gregg Popovich, died after a long battle with what was reported to be a respiratory illness. Erin Popovich, 67, had been ill since the 1990s,
